Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can you feel the love?

I work in a public school.  I believe in the school system and the possibilities for relationship, for significant connection between caring adults and the children enrolled in the school.   This forms a complex and fascinating web.

I invite you to consider with me the following conversation as an exemplar, if you will, of the rich and often confusing interactions in my life as an educator.  It is nearly 9 am, outside the school, as I greet two of my eighth grade male students:

Me:  Hey dudes.
One of them:  [briefly turning head toward me]  Hey guy.

I was laughing to myself as they rounded the corner.  I wanted to share the moment with you too.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I am Sabre-toothed Portillo

You can call me Sabe for short.  Check out your new name here
My wife, Ramona?  Womanly Panther.
Paulos is now alternately known as Violent Toilet Thing.  Not so far off, some days!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Little Rad Hen: Pipes

At school we have to spell

Some students were quizzing me.  "Can you spell my name?",  "spell my sister's name",  and so on. 
When from my left shoulder (the devil?) came "can you spell floccinaucinihilipilification?"  I had to do a double and a triple take.  Fascinating word from a 10 year old. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Technical support info

In case you got a mouse for Christmas, here is the highly involved
sequence for its installation. Usage guide was on a separate but
equally serious page of the document.