Saturday, December 25, 2010

Little Rad Hen - oxygen deprivation and Merry Christmas

Happy Jesus' Birthday to all!

Have you ever said something silly while racing?

This was one of my gift clues to Ramona this Christmas.  No, it's not a skateboard.  Hint - her Norco Bush Pilot is purple.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Investing in home security - ideas...

Here's a recent model - check out the features as I carefully disassemble it:

Subtle low profile

The camera, with LED indicator.  Battery pack in lower enclosure.

This is where the watchful elf sits and looks through the lens.   I assume he takes notes on suspicious goings-on and uploads his reports via iphone.
  I actually removed this device from an apartment suite I'm renovating.  The elderly man's family installed two of these in there to give him (a sense of) security.  Sorry, I can't hook you up with a supplier at this point.

***** edit********

The security camera is not a camera.  In the photo above, you can see through the lens, and there is nothing behind it.  So this is funny.  Ok?

The anti Grinch

We spent some time in puppy therapy today.

Another satisfied customer.

Tolerating the treatment - see the body language?

"What does this end do?"

As if the King being born at Christmas wasn't enough, God even blesses us with moments such as these!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Periodized Training (and Aging)

A guy asked me before a race if I did any specific training for "this", meaning cx racing.  I cautiously answered yes.  But really, lots of sweat and nearly tears goes into training - even for a cycling wannabee.

I'm following a training plan that is outlined by Dave Morris in a book called Performance Cycling (which I have not actually read).  A guy with a funny named blog described it and has helped get me going.

Here's  a summary of what I will do.

Gym 3 months (long preparation, then really get pumped)

Bike stuff, roughly 1 month each:
Intervals (short, above lactate threshold)
Intervals (longer, at lactate threshold)
Intervals (mix of long, short, and painful)
Race Readiness - mixed riding.

As you can see, there are 6 periods of training foci, each with a unique feel and a completion date, which I like.

I did nearly the full plan last year and saw some improvement.  I'm hoping to reach some more goals next year.  One of my goals was to keep up with Jonny G in cyclocross season this year, but unfortunately we were separated by the chasm between B and A.  So I couldn't measure that.

If I had a power meter I'd use that, but a close runner up is the wind trainer and a speedometer.  Without the wind resistance, the speed numbers correlate roughly with power.  

 The target I'm using for intervals is that I should pick a power level (or speed in my case) that I can only just maintain for the duration of the workout set of intervals.  In other words, uncomfortably fast most of the time. 

My biggest training obstacle is probably my internal reluctance to push myself too hard.  Maybe it's subconcious self-preservation.  Some people are spurred on by angst and rage - not me!  I've never puked during a race or workout, although I was feeling disconcertingly lightheaded during yesterday's gym workout.  Those giant glutes and quads of mine are gluttons for oxygen...

Oh yeah, aging.  

All this training comes with interminably slow preparation times.  I did about 4 weeks of light lifting in the gym to prepare my connective tissues for the heavy stuff.  It is a true exercise in humility and self control to do squats with only the bar while all the 19 year olds in the room are tossing big metal around like it was styrofoam.  I'm now considering it worthwhile since my overuse injuries and setbacks, which have been increasing each year, are not showing up yet this session.

Greg, I read your post about anti-training and I liked it.  Your speed and drive this year showed that it works great for you.  I like the structure I described above, although it can be draining.  Maybe adding more rest is a good idea for those of us over, say, 30 : ) 
But if I don't beat you within the next 10 years, I'm switching methods, and that's it!

Rudolph vs. Alien

Paulos and Tristan both attended the same craft table yesterday and came
up with these.  This is Paulos's, completed with help.
Tristan did this one unsupervised and perhaps under the influence.  Levitation actually does fit Rudolph's character, but the  eyes and pointy digits...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Parental Leave - What's it like?

I've been on leave from teaching since March, when we brought our two
lovely new kids home.

Here's what you get to see when you're home full time at our house.
This is laundry folding time. See any matching socks?