Friday, June 17, 2011


Wow - we've had quite a couple of days. Thursday morning I brought
Tristan to the clinic because his strep wasn't clearing up. They did
tests and sent us to Winnipeg immediately to see a pediatric
cardiologist because of the slight chance it could be rheumatic fever.
We closed our garage sale, they saw us at Children's Hospital in the
afternoon, and they booked us for a heart ultrasound for Friday (this
morning). We stayed at my folks overnight (no pyjamas or
toothbrushes). We just got home Friday 8:30pm.

Nutshell - he probably doesn't have rheumatic fever, just a nasty strep
infection. They'll treat it as if he has rheumatic until the
rheumatologist confirms or denies the diagnosis.

Thanks to God - things worked out with subs at school, finding a way to
make all this work. Many people have been praying for him.
