Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ice Man 2

I biked to school today. I felt my back tire drifting a few times on the freshly ice-coated streets, but generally stayed aboard. I only fell when I stepped off my bike at school!

School was cancelled at 7:45, just as my jazz band early risers were arriving.

Tendinitis update. I've continued icing several times daily, mostly just below the patella. The tensor bandage is taking turns between left and right knees, again just below the patella. The inflammation seems to be much better most of the time. I'm going to start some low resistance riding as soon as I can. I keep reading about starting training slow, and increasing intensity by 10% each week. I guess I need to observe that, and not start with intense interval work as a shortcut. Maybe that's why I had problems last year and this winter. I'll also start stretching before and after riding.

Trouble is, what do I start with as a reasonable baseline? 20 minute moderate intensity ride? It could be hard to suppress the spring energy like that.

Old bones need to be coddled more, that's for sure.

11:55 am
Elbow pain - I wonder if reaching out far onto my desk to type on my laptop computer in an awkward position is part of the problem. I don't know if it's tennis elbow, based on this description.

1 comment:

  1. ramona might like *** Music files are freely distributable from ***
