Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pushing 40? Try 60!

I don't follow the Tour very closely, but have spent the last couple of evenings catching up on some of the action via bikesnobnyc and other features.  Chris Horner is an American rider, born 12 days after I was, who is hoping for a podium finish in the tour this year.  "Pushing 40, and Getting Faster" is the title of a recent interview. 

This was inspiring.  But wait.

Today's honorary trailhero is a guy from the Kildonans named Arvid Loewen.  He just crossed our continent in Guiness Record time, under 14 days.  And for a cause.  He's raising money for an African hero to orphans - Charles Mulli.  Read up on this - and donate!

You don't get to sleep much when you're on this kind of mission trip.

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