Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tinker Creek race report

Where does a guy start describing an event like today's Back 40 race at
Tinker Creek?

For me, it starts with gratitude.

First, the land. It's draped with slim ribbons of trails, gracefully
dipping, diving, stretching and relaxing. The trails allow us a window
into the forest, from the sunny ridges of meadow to the deep dark
places, wet, quiet, cool. What a privilege to travel in the haunt of
deer, beaver, cougar, and all manner of birds. The heights, depths,
waterways, meadows and don't forget the animals are all part of a
God-given thrill ride that we can access by foot, observe from a
vehicle, or dip, dive and speed through on a bicycle. Thanks!

What about access? There was quite a buzz several years ago in the
Tinker Creek clubhouse/shop over the newly accessible Loeppky Quarter.
News of trail ideas came in bits and pieces from the local gurus James,
Gord, and others. It became known as the Big Loeppky. In the second
half of the race course today all the racers would have seen some of the
Loeppkys smiling and cheering us on. They were the happy looking guys
that looked like brothers (they are). Also, if you enjoyed the high
speed meadow thrill ride and subsequent climb through beautiful dappled
forest, you need to thank the Stoesz family. They were there today too,
brimming with delight at the spectacle of this great land use.

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